C&P’s Chief of Accountability


August 28, 2018

By Dan Ward, APR, CPRC

You probably wouldn’t consider being chased with a box cutter an enjoyable experience, but then few of you have had the opportunity to work with the wielder of said box cutter, Curley & Pynn Office Administrator Connie Mercado. (And in Connie’s defense, I deserved it.)

Connie, who recently celebrated her 10th anniversary with us after 16 years (it’s a long story), keeps Curley & Pynn running like a well-oiled machine, and sometimes that requires drastic measures to keep yours truly on task. We often joke that if you step out of line around here, “Connie will cut you.” It has become a company mantra repeated nearly as often as our 5 Steps to Professional Success.

Please don’t tell her we said this, but we know it’s an empty threat. She may be our unofficial Chief of Accountability, but she always holds us to account with a smile and a helping hand. She’s helped us grow as a company and as professionals, and sets an amazing example for all of us as a mother to four outstanding young daughters and son.

In many ways, Connie and I have grown up together at Curley & Pynn, and I can’t imagine this place without her.

Happy Anniversary, Connie!

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