You have the right… 

  1. To know who is interviewing you and whom he or she represents. 
  1. To have total agreement by both parties of the ground rules, no matter how hastily arranged. 
  1. To be treated courteously.  The questions can be tough, but the reporters’ demeanor should not be abusive. 
  1. Not to be physically threatened or impaired by a camera or microphone shoved in your face or a physical set up you find uncomfortable, threatening or demeaning. 
  1. To break the interview off after a “reasonable” amount of time, but only after the important questions have been addressed. 

In pre-arranged, office or TV studio interviews, you have the right… 

  1. To all of the above.  (They are basic.) 
  1. To know the general content, subject or thrust of the interview so you have time to research the appropriate information. 
  1. To know approximately how long the interview will last. 
  1. To know if there are other guests appearing with you on a talk or panel show and what the nature of their roles will be. 
  1. To have a public relations or other company representative present. 
  1. To make your own audio or videotape of the interview, or to be able to obtain a complete tape. 
  1. To make sure that no material is recorded by the reporter on audio or videotape unless you are told you are being recorded.  (But, always assume that reporters are always recording.) 
  1. To have an accurate on-air introduction that will put the interview in the proper perspective. 
  1. To have the time to get some of YOUR points across in the interview and not be expected only to answer questions obediently.