Three Tips Learned at the Hispanic Marketing Forum in Orlando


September 12, 2018

By Kacie Escobar, MBA, APR

Did you know there are more Hispanics in the U.S. than people in Canada?

Florida trails only California and Texas among states with the largest Hispanic population – and this population is rapidly growing.  By 2045, the census projects America will become “minority white.”

Including Hispanics in your marketing and public relations campaigns is more important than ever (especially if you’re targeting millennials). But it takes much more than a translated news release to establish meaningful connections.

Here are three tips we learned at the Hispanic Marketing Forum in Orlando to help you more strategically communicate with this growing demographic:

1. Re-evaluate your target demographics. When is the last time your business conducted research to re-evaluate the demographics of its customers?  Just as the composition of our U.S. population is changing rapidly, the composition of your target audiences may also be changing.  If Hispanics comprise half of your target audience, then allocate a proportionate amount of your marketing budget to reach them, suggested Forum presenter Wilson Camelo.  Otherwise, your business could be missing out on a new and growing source of revenue.

2. Understand – and respect – cultural differences. Language is just one part of the equation.  To be successful with Hispanic audiences, marketing and public relations campaign messages must be culturally relevant.  Insights from Experian Simmons’ Latino Cultural Identity Consumer Report demonstrate distinct differences between Hispanics and non-Hispanics in four areas:  interpersonal orientation, time and space perception, gender perception and spirituality.  And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  Countless nuances differentiate Hispanic cultures even further, sometimes creating subcultures between people from neighboring countries where the same word could have two completely different meanings.  The key is understanding these differences exist and taking the time to learn and respect them.  Don’t just translate – transcreate.

3. Choose the right medium. You’ve identified the target audience, crafted culturally relevant messaging and are ready for launch.  But how?  Knowing how to reach your audience is just as important as what you’re going to say (in fact, the “how” is so important that we recently added it to our white paper).  Hispanics are more likely than non-Hispanics to access the internet on their smartphones, so mobile-friendly platforms such as responsive websites and social media are a great place to start.  In some situations, the best approach might not start with direct communication.  As Camelo explained, second- and third-generation Hispanics are often responsible for helping family members with translation.  Consider reframing your message to appeal to the translator and they will become a valuable influence on the behavior of your target audience.

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